【宿服組公告】校園公車停駛公告(2022/04/07起)Notice on Bus Service Change( from 2022/04/07)
2022-04-07 |
【宿服組公告】校園公車停駛公告Notice on Bus Service Change
2022-04-02 |
【宿服組公告】4/9(六)新冠肺炎預防性消毒COVID-19 preventive disinfection
2022-03-24 |
【宿服組公告】110學年校園商家滿意度調查問卷送現金抵用券 Cash prize for questionnaire of 110 Academic Year Canteen Satisfaction
2022-03-24 |
【住宿訊息】111學年度 各項床位作業及時程
2022-03-22 |
3/12(六)新冠肺炎預防性消毒COVID-19 preventive disinfection
2022-03-02 |
校園公車公告Notice on Bus Service
2022-02-21 |
2022/2/12-2/13停水公告Water Cut Announcement
2022-02-08 |
【寒假餐廳營業時間公告 Winter Holiday Restaurant Business hours Notice】111.1.28
2022-01-28 |
春節封館期間週邊商家營業訊息公告 / Notice on during the Lunar New Year closure period some restaurants near our university for your references
2022-01-27 |