公告日期:112年10月11日(星期三 )
Announcement date: Oct 11, 2023 (Wednesday)
(1) 可向宿舍清潔公司之清潔人員借用
(2) 可至男/女宿一樓櫃台登記借用
(1) 請至男/女宿一樓櫃台領取
(2) 女一舍5-7樓垃圾回收區及浴廁洗手台下之防治物品「黏蟑屋」請勿私自移動,謝謝。
請同學愛惜使用,珍惜宿舍資源 !!
Dormitory provides mops, cockroaches, mosquito and ant control items. Precautions for using cockroaches.
一、If you need to use mop:
1. You can borrow mop from cleaning staff.
2. You can register and borrow at the counter on 1st floor of the male/female dormitory.
二、If you need pest control items for cockroaches or mosquitoes
1.Please pick up at the counter on 1st floor of the male/female dormitory.
2.Please don't move the "sticky cockroach house" in the garbage collection area and under the bathroom sink on the 5th to 7th floors of the female 1st dormitory.
Please use it carefully and cherish dormitory resources!!!