哈囉!大家好,華語中心為所有外國學生提供了基礎會話課程和華測(TOCFL)準備課程, 隨時歡迎您的加入!

Basic Mandarin Conversation Course
By taking this course, you will learn how to communicate in Mandarin in topics, such as talking about names and age, and the language structure is appropriate for beginner learners. As we progress through the level, we deal with diverse range of conversation topics and learn many different kinds of expressions which you will need to develop your Mandarin speaking skills.
The main aim of this course is to develop your speaking skill, so in every lesson, there are various speaking practices meaning that you will need to speak out loud and participate in every lesson.
TOCFL Preparation Course
Are you planning to take the TOCFL A2(Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language)? Our intensive TOCFL Preparation Course will provide you with comprehensive training to excel in all exam sections, ensuring you are fully prepared to achieve your desired results.
📢 Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-uA0VwuDCn2WG4WCxoSsfJbSIma3eJEBlrkR0yt2lgzVTHQ/viewform?usp=pp_url