The New York Times

Trial Period : Now~March 31,2018 is a multi-platform news tool that provides full access to New York Times content, including breaking news, multimedia, reviews and opinion, blogs, videos and more. is updated 24/7 with corresponding time stamps. From the home page, one can access more than 25 Times sections, including World, Politics, New York, Opinion, Business, Technology, Science, Sports, Arts, Fashion & Style, and Video.



     Kono for Libraries

Trial Period : Now~March 31,2018

Kono provides access to 185 magazines and applies the latest technological advances and trends, such as Machine Learning and Big Data, to optimize platform for the best magazine reading experience on all devices.Access to 185+ magazine titles of TW, HK, and JP. Subject included such as Business, Design, Fashion, Entertainment, and Lifestyle. You can access and search all current and back issues of the magazines.