Winter 2023 Library Hours / Extension of Loan Periods
2022-12-15 |
Library Hours Adjust Due to Disinfection
2022-12-06 |
(Trial) Gale Journal database
2022-10-03 |
IEEE Xplore Scheduled Maintenance
2022-09-15 |
(Trial database) Naxos Music Library
2022-09-12 |
Is the only book that introduces Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Experiences, make the most of it.
2022-09-02 |
Turnitin: Empower students to do their best, original work
2022-09-01 |
(Trial Database)
2022-08-22 |
Urgent inquiry during library closing for inventory
2022-06-29 |
Library Closed for Disinfection at noon June 5
2022-06-02 |