【諮就組公告】112/06/09 開放申請【公部門】教育部暑假旅宿業職場體驗獎勵方案。112/06/09 Open for applications [Public Sector] Ministry of Education Summer Vacation Accommodation Industry Workplace Experience Reward Program.



In order to support the post-pandemic expansion of accommodation services and recruitment, the Ministry of Education will provide monetary rewards to encourage domestic and overseas students from higher education institutions to gain workplace experience in the accommodation industry during the summer vacation. By becoming familiar with various service tasks and skills in the accommodation industry, students can accumulate practical experience and build a pool of future industry talents.


獎勵對象及期間:111 學年度大專校院本國學生及僑外生,於教育部青年發展署職場體驗網(https://rich.yda.gov.tw/)投遞履歷並媒合成功,於 112 年 6 月 15 日至 112 年 9 月 15 日至旅宿業職場體驗1個月以上者。

獎勵條件:除業者提供薪資外,職場體驗時數每月達 80/160 小時者,獎勵每人每月新臺幣(以下同)3,000元 /6,000元;職場體驗地點位於偏遠(特定)地區者,每月額外給予3,000元。

申請方式:請於 112 年 6 月 9 日起,至教育部青年發展署「職場體驗網-暑期旅宿業職場體驗」專區進行線上申請。