【衛保組公告】健康資訊分享 : 中秋吃得好,肚子脹的少,秋後算帳沒煩惱 ! " Enjoy a healthy Mid-Autumn Festival feast."

大家 好 :


【中秋吃得好,肚子脹的少,"秋後算帳"沒煩惱 !】
1. 月餅熱量動輒300大卡,吃太多就會跟中秋月亮一樣圓唷!
2. 過節烤肉,食材也要均衡,尤其是富含纖維的深色蔬菜
3. 食材烤焦就切下來丟掉,全都是不值得留戀的致癌物
4. 富含纖維的文旦會促進腸胃蠕動,腸胃不適者別吃多囉
5. 容易大魚大肉的中秋節,飲料就選負擔較少的無糖飲料吧



Enjoy a healthy Mid-Autumn Festival feast.

Dietary Recommendations:

  1. Mooncakes are often high in calories, consuming too many can make you as round as the Mid-Autumn moon!
  2. During the festival BBQ, make sure your ingredients are balanced, especially include dark-colored vegetables rich in fiber.
  3. If your food is burnt, cut off the burnt parts and discard them; they contain carcinogens that are not worth keeping.
  4. Pomelo, rich in fiber, can promote digestive movement; avoid consuming too much if you have gastrointestinal discomfort.
  5. In this season of indulgent feasts, opt for low-sugar beverages to reduce the calorie load.