【學務處公告】2024年《今畢輝煌》畢業典禮將於明日 6/8(六)18:30舉行,提醒您相關彩排、執行及撤場等作業時程,並誠摯邀請您蒞臨參加。"Graduation Ceremony Announcement"

Sincerely invite you to join us at the Graduation Ceremony on 6/8 (Saturday) at 18:30. There may be some noise disturbance during the event, and we kindly ask for your understanding. Please assist us by cooperating with relevant arrangements. Thank you very much.




2024年《今畢輝煌》畢業典禮將於明日 6/8(六)18:30舉行,提醒您相關彩排、執行及撤場等作業時程,並誠摯邀請您蒞臨參加。

★ 6/8(六)下午2:00起,五館前預計彩排畢業典禮流程,屆時會有管制及可能造成聲音干擾,敬請大家海涵!

★ 6/9(日)中午12:00前,將有大型貨車進行撤場作業,請教職員生配合繞道並留意安全。




(一)入場時間:6/8(六)17:50 各院畢業生集合於一、三館紅磚道,18:15統一入場。




三、本校已安排攝影社拍攝活動照片,活動後將上傳網頁空間,歡迎點選超連結觀賞。 活動照片網址:學務處 元智 Flickr


五、元智大學113級畢業季限定歌曲:On the way 畢業MV:限定歌曲請點我







元智大學 學生事務處 敬上


Notice for 2024 YZU Graduation Ceremony Venue Layout Preparations and Clean-up



Students, Faculty and Staff



2024 YZU Graduation Ceremony Venue Layout Preparations and Clean-up



  • Main Gate of YZU on Yuan-Dong Road.
  • In front of Building 1 and 5, including the square and the roundabout.
  • Graduation Ceremony Rehearsal Process.



  • Jun 8(Saturday), 2:00pm
  • Jun 9(Sunday), 12:00pm remove the equipment used at the event venue



The work will significantly affect pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

The Contractor will construct barricades and signs to protect and redirect pedestrians and traffic.

Sound interference may be caused at that time.


For information about the 2024 Graduation Ceremony, please refer to the official website.


  • Reminder for Graduating Students:
  1. On Saturday, June 8th, 2024, graduates from each college will gather on the red brick path between Buildings 1 and 3 at 5:50 PM, followed by a unified entrance at 6:15 PM.
  2. Must wear graduation gown and cap in order to participate in the ceremony.
  3. In front of Building 5, part of seats on the grass might be unstable because of the uneven ground, please be careful while taking seated for your own safety.
  • Reminder to attending teachers on stage: Please take your seats on time between 18:10 and 18:25 on 6/8 (Sat).
  • Our school has arranged for the photography club to take event photos, which will be uploaded to the website space after the event. You are welcome to click on the hyperlink to view them. The website address for event photos is: OSA, YZU Flickr.
  • 【Live Streaming Link for Graduation Ceremony】"The website is under construction and will be published before the event date."
  • The graduation music video link: 限定歌曲請點我
  • In case of inclement weather, the Dean of Student Affairs will announce the activation of the rain contingency plan at 3:00 PM on 6/8 (Sat).



◎In order to make the ceremony solemn and solemn, from the entrance at 17:50 to the display of fireworks, the graduate seating area will start control operations. Faculty, staff, students, family and friends are requested to cooperate.

◎In order to ensure the solemnity and grandeur of the ceremony, from the entry time of 5:50 PM until the fireworks display, there will be control operations in the graduation seating area. We kindly ask all teachers, colleagues, students, and family members to cooperate.

◎Staff members are requested to wear a vest or identification card for easy identification by control personnel.

◎Chairs for the graduation ceremony will be placed in front of the roundabout one after another, which may cause some narrowing of the walkway. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and kindly ask for your understanding.


Kind regards,