【原資中心公告】明新科技大學辦理「賽夏族知識體系研究中心成果論壇 SaySiyat 掘世代-田野思辨」"Achievement Forum"
2024-11-21 |
【原資中心公告】高雄師範大學原資中心舉辦「2024 原師盃運動競賽」系列活動"2024 Indigenous Teacher's Cup Sports Competition"
2024-11-21 |
【課外組公告】轉知國立虎尾科技大學「虎聲管樂社-時旅序章成果發表會」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。National Huwei University of Science and Technology cordially invites all students to the "Tiger Sound Wind Orchestra - Time Travel Prologue Performance."
2024-11-21 |
【課外組公告】轉知國立教育廣播電臺「 114 年麥寶電波-廣播親近校園計畫」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。 National Educational Radio invites all students to participate in the "114th Mike Bopo - Radio Campus Program."
2024-11-21 |
【課外組公告】轉知淡江大學「 113 學年度五虎崗論壇-社團人與社會新鮮人的鏈結研討會」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。 Tamkang University cordially invites all students to the "113th Academic Year Wuhu Gang Forum - Linkage Research Seminar on Society and Freshmen Students."
2024-11-21 |
【原資中心公告】嘉南藥理大學校辦理「第十屆原young歌喉戰-音浪狂歡」活動"Yuan Young Singing Battle"
2024-11-21 |
【課外組公告】轉知雲林縣政府「『2024雲林YOUNG POWER』青春雲林演唱會」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。Yunlin County Government cordially invites all students to sign up for the "2024 Yunlin YOUNG POWER Youth Concert".
2024-11-21 |
【原資中心公告】成功大學原資中心辦理「2024原究分想:全民原教與傳統知識論壇」徵稿活動"The Forum on Indigenous Education and Traditional Knowledge"
2024-11-21 |
【諮就組公告】轉知中原大學特殊教育學系暨特殊教育中心辦理之「桃竹區特殊教育」期刊第44期稿約 44th Issue of "Taoyuan-Hsinchu Special Education Journal" Organized by the Department of Special Education and Special Education Center, Chung Yuan Christian University
2024-11-21 |
【課外組公告】轉知教育部「114年全國大專校院學生社團評選暨觀摩活動」 ~"The 2025 National College and University Student Club Evaluation and Exhibition Event".
2024-11-21 |