【課外組公告】轉知文化部113年青年文化禮金使用期限將屆,請同學踴躍使用。The Ministry of Culture's 113th-year Youth Cultural Grant will soon reach its usage deadline. Students are encouraged to make use of it actively.
2024-11-26 |
【課外組公告】轉知國立臺灣師範大學辦理之「千湖畔的民謠樂手─芬蘭國寶級樂團達拉利2024巡 演:臺北場演出」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。National Taiwan Normal University is organizing the "Folk Musicians by the Thousand Lakes – The Finnish National Treasure Band, Darude, 2024 Tour: Taipei Performance."
2024-11-26 |
【課外組公告】轉知臺中市政府建設局辦理之『2025臺中市人本環境設計學生競圖』,歡迎同學踴躍報名。The Taichung City Government's Construction Bureau is organizing the "2025 Taichung City Human-Centered Environment Design Student Competition." Students are encouraged to actively sign up.
2024-11-26 |
【諮就組公告】轉知社團法人臺灣醫療健康諮商心理學會開辦「全方位孕產心理健康諮詢師」專業人員培 訓證照課程,將於12/6開線上免費說明會。Holistic Prenatal and Postnatal Mental Health Consultant
2024-11-26 |
【課外組公告】轉知臺灣證券交易所股份有限辦理之「臺灣創新板Logo設計徵選比賽」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。The Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation is holding a "Taiwan Innovation Board Logo Design Competition." Students are encouraged to actively sign up.
2024-11-26 |
【衛保組公告】為提升職場及大專院校健康,桃園市衛生局委由太乙廣告行銷股份有限公司辦理職場及大專院校團體接種COVID-19 JN.1疫苗及流感疫苗集中接種服務。To enhance the health of workplaces and universities, the Taoyuan City Health Bureau has commissioned Tai Yi Advertising and Marketing Co., Ltd. to organize centralized group
2024-11-25 |
【生輔組公告】:教育部函轉社團法人國立臺灣大學法律學院校友會辦理「2025公民法學教室培力營」活動訊息(報名截止:113 年 12 月 05 日止)
2024-11-22 |
【諮就組公告】轉知就業情報資訊「CPAS諮詢師校園培訓班(初階)」課程規劃,歡迎踴躍報名。"Announcement:Welcome to Participate"
2024-11-22 |
【諮就組公告】轉知臺北市政府青年局「職向未來!2024青年職涯博覽會」,鼓勵踴躍報名。"Announcement:Welcome to Participate"
2024-11-22 |
【原資中心公告】南華大學原資中心辦理「回嘉」原住民族文化週系列活動"Indigenous Culture Week at Nanhua University"
2024-11-21 |