【宿服組公告】112學年校園商家滿意度調查問卷送現金抵用券 Cash prize for questionnaire of 112 Academic Year Canteen Satisfaction


為了讓星象美食廣場、樂學美食廣場及教學區攤商能提供同學們用餐時更適切的服務,宿服組將於 112/12/19~113/1/12 進行112學年滿意度調查。






祝  學安 學務處宿服組 啟


Hello Everyone,

In order to provide a better service of our food courts, from Dec. 19 to Jan. 12, we are going to have a Customer Satisfaction Survey for the 112 Academic Year.

The content of our questionnaire includes questions regarding services, food quality, hygiene, price, healthiness and overall satisfaction.

Participants will have a chance to win a NT$100 School Meal Cash Voucher!  We provide 50 awards for participants randomly selected by computer.

The name list of the winners will be announced later.

We would greatly appreciate if you would take a few minutes to complete this survey.

Please follow the following steps to access the questionnaire:


And please remember to submit the questionnaire after filling out.

Thank you for your kindly help!

Student Housing Service Section