Office of Academic Affairs
Yuan Ze University
January. 06th, 2025
Receiver:Full-time and part-time teachers at YZU
Purpose:2024 Autumn Semester grade submission ends on January 19th, 2025(Sun.)
1.Since the Chinese New Year comes this year (begins from Jan.24th), please definitely submit students’ grade online January 19th, 2025(Sun.) in order to send all the academic transcripts to students.
2.According to the university rules and regulations: “None of student’s score can be changed once it has been submitted. Individual who doubts about the score shall make written inquiries at the Registration Section. If any score needs to be fixed, then a Score Amendment Application Form must be filled by the teacher and have relevant documents attached, also it must be signed by the student’s Department Chair, as well as the Dean and Chair of College offering the course (or Chair of College of General Studies if it is referred), then submit to the Office of Academic Affairs and have it approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs. It shall be determined by the Academic Affairs Meeting when lacking of clear and definite reason, causing controversy or it may lead to disciplinary dismission”. Please keep students’ semester grade for one semester at least for further reference.
3.How to submit the grade: Through Portal online.
4.You are not allowed to delay the grade submission only if serious accidents occurred making an individual student ask for leave with approval of Dean of Academic Affairs.
5.Problems caused by a late grade submission can be briefly listed as following:
✽Problems with graduation, occupation and military service
✽Apply for scholarship
✽Unable to put students in order
✽Unable to evaluate student’s department transfer application
✽Unable to apply for university overseas
✽Unable to participate in examinations outside of school
✽Repetitively apply for academic transcripts over the years.
6.Thank you for the cooperation. Relevant documents and forms can be tracked via:
YZU Front Page / Administrative Offices / Office of Academic Affairs / Resource for Teachers / Grade Entering
Registration Section Office of Academic Affairs