Course Withdrawal


Application Procedures

  1. Applying for withdrawing two courses must be through online application procedures, and follow the path: Student Portal→ Study File→ Course withdrawal. When student completed online application procedures, the system will show “Under Review” immediately in the column of Review and Comment and send a notification e-mail to instructor of the course and applicant.  Please must make sure “Under Review” showed in column of Review and Comments before logout.
  2. If students have happened some special serious issues and need to apply for withdrawing three or more (inclusive) courses, students must apply for withdrawing courses through the printed application form.


  1. Students can withdraw only TWO courses via online application per semester. Please think carefully before you do so. If students have happened some special serious issues and need to apply for withdrawing three or more (inclusive) courses, in this situation the application should process with the proof documents and dealt with by hand.  In this case, students must apply for withdrawing courses through the printed application form and follow the procedures: course instructor→ advisor→ chairperson of department that is responsible for the course→ approved by all of chairperson of departments that students study at→ approved by Office of Academic Affairs.
  2. The credits of the course which is applied for withdrawal will not be included in the credit records of the specific semester.  After applying for course withdrawal, the credits of course selection MUST meet the minimum limitation regulation, please think carefully before apply. If you apply for withdrawal courses due to major accidents, you can apply for the course reduction simultaneously.
  3. All course withdrawals will appear on the transcript with a grade of W (Withdrawal).

Application Period

 Refer to the Course Selection Schedule

Application Form Download

Course Withdrawal Form (Only for the students who have happened some special serious issues and need to apply for withdrawing three or more courses.)

Parental Consent Form (Agreement on Reduce-Course-Load)【ABOLISHED】(Only the students who have happened some special serious issues can apply for the course reduction simultaneously.)

Course Withdrawal process