【教務處公告】106年6月3日(六)補課教室安排 【Announcement】Scheduling of Make-up Classes on 6/3/2017


AnnouncementScheduling of Make-up Classes on 6/3/2017



一、 依本校105學年度行事曆,106年5月29日(一)因端午節調整放假,應於106年6月3日(六)補課。

二、 106年6月3日(六)補課教室安排原則如下:



   教務處/課務組 敬啟

Announcement by Office of Academic Affairs

Subject: Declaration on the Scheduling of Make-up Classes on June 3, 2017.

  1. According to the calendar of academic year 2016/17, classes on May 29, 2017 which are adjusted as Dragon Boat Festival holiday should be made up on June 3, 2017.
  2. The scheduling of make-up classes on June 3, 2017 is based on the following principles:
  • (1) Monday or Saturday classes as per the original schedule of 2nd Semester 2016/17 maintain the original classroom.
  • (2) When classes are in overlapping time, Saturday classes is top priority on the original classroom unless there is another arrangement by the department. Please refer to the attachment for the classrooms scheduled on that day.