
List of Compulsory & Elective subjects and Minor

  • 依據111-1校課程委員會議暨111-1教務會議決議:111 學年度起入學新生共同必修科目表刪除體育畢業門檻,110學年度以前所有大學部在學學生一體適用。
  • According to the resolution of the 111-1 Curriculum Committee Meeting and the 111-1 Academic Affairs Meeting, the list of common compulsory subjects for freshman from the 111-academic year removes the sports graduation threshold, which is also applicable to all college students before the 110-academic year. 
  • 106學年度起軍訓課程由必修改為選修,納入當學期修課學分數,不納入畢業總學分數計算。
  • Since the academic year 106, the military training course has been changed from a compulsory course to an elective course, which is included in the course score of the current semester and not included in the total credits for graduation. 
  • 依據專科以上學校遠距教學實施辦法 第七條規定:學生修習遠距教學課程成績及格,且符合大學法施行細則及專科學校法施行細則學分計算之規定者,由學校採認其學分,並納入畢業總學分數計算。採計為畢業總學分數之遠距教學課程學分數,不得超過畢業總學分數之二分之一 
  • These regulations are formulated by Article 7 of the Regulations on the Implementation of Distance Education in Colleges and Universities. Students qualified in distance learning courses who also meet the requirements of the Enforcement Rules of the University Act on the calculation of credits shall be awarded credits by Universities, and these credits shall be applied toward required credits for graduation. The total number of distance learning credits shall be limited to half of the credits required for graduation and obtaining an academic degree by a student.

共同必修 common compulsory subjects

通識教學部、體育室、軍訓室 (General Education、 Center Physical Education、Office  Military Education Office)

工程學院 College of Engineering

工院等同課程對照表  College of Engineering Equivalent Course Comparison Table 

機械工程學系 Department of Mechanical Engineering

化學工程與材料科學學系 Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
工業工程與管理學系 Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
生物科技與工程研究所  Graduate School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering
先進能源碩士學位學程 Graduate school of renewable energy engineering

工程學院英語學士班 International Bachelor Program in Engineering

淨零碳排永續發展學士後專班  Post-Baccalaureate Program for Carbon Zero Sustainable Development

智慧電子產品製造碩士產學專班  Master of Science Degree of Smart Manufacturing for Electronics 

電通學院 College of Electrical and Communication Engineering

電通院等同課程對照表  College of Electrical and Communication Engineering Equivalent Course Comparison Table

電機工程學系甲組 Electrical Engineering(Program A)

電機工程學系乙組 Electrical Engineering(Program B)

電機工程學系丙組 Electrical Engineering(Program C)

電機工程學系碩士在職專班 Department of Electrical Engineering, (Executive Master Program)

電通學院英語學士班 International Bachelor Program in Electrical and Communication Engineering

資訊學院 College of Informatics

資院等同課程對照表  College of Informatics Equivalent Course Comparison Table

資訊工程學系 Department of Computer Science and Engineering

資訊管理學系 Department of Information Management
資訊傳播學系 Department of Information Communication
生物與醫學資訊碩士學位學程 Graduate Program in Biomedical Informatics
資訊學院英語學士班 International Bachelor Program in Informatics

人文社會學院 College of Humanities and Social Sciences

人社院等同課程對照表  College of Humanities and Social Sciences Equivalent Course Comparison Table

應用外語學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics
中國語文學系 Department of Chinese Linguistics and Literature
社會暨政策科學學系 Department of Social and Policy Sciences
藝術與設計學系 Department of Art and Design
文化產業與文化政策博士學位學程 Doctor of Philosophy in Cultural Industries and Cultural Policy
人社學院英語學士班 International Bachelor Program in Strategic Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

管理學院 Department of Business Management Technologies

管理學院學士班(99學年以後) Bachelor of Business Administration Program, College of Management (After 99 Academic year)
管理學院經營管理碩士班(99學年以後) Master of Business Administration Program, College of Management (After 99 Academic year)
管理學院財務金融暨會計碩士班(99學年以後) Master of Science in Finance and Accounting, College of Management (After 99 Academic year)
管理學院管理碩士在職專班(99學年以後) Executive Master of Business Administration Program, College of Management (After 99 Academic year)
管理學院博士班(94學年以後) Doctoral Program, College of Management (After 94 Academic year)

醫護學院 Graduate Institute of Medicine

醫學研究所碩士班 Graduate Institute of Medicine

護理學系School of Nursing