【課外組公告】轉知逢甲大學辦理之「國土未來GO想:短影音競賽」,歡迎同學踴躍報名。 Feng Chia University is now accepting applications for the "Future of Our Land: Short Video Competition." Students are encouraged to participate.
【課外組公告】轉知桃園市政府青年事務局辦理之「第六屆桃園市政府青年諮詢會徵選」延期,歡迎同學踴躍報名。The application deadline for the 6th Taoyuan City Youth Advisory Council organized by the Taoyuan City Government Youth Affairs Bureau has been extended. Students are encouraged to apply.
【課外組公告】轉知青年局【志工召募】Youth Bureau: Volunteer Recruitment
【衛保組公告】衛生福利部疾病管制署自113年12月1日起,於全國8家旅遊醫學合約醫院提供M痘(Mpox)疫苗自費接種服務。Eight travel medicine contract hospitals nationwide offer self-paid Mpox (monkeypox) vaccination services.
【衛保組公告】訊息轉知:青年志工活動「月來月愛你-布衛生棉工作坊」,歡迎踴躍報名參加。Youth Volunteer Activity: 「Month by Month, Loving You More – Cloth Sanitary Pad Workshop」 We warmly invite you to sign up and join us!
【諮就組公告】轉知衛生福利部製作的「113年度臺灣女孩日系列宣導活動 『偏見眼鏡行』線上主題展覽及引導教材」Taiwan Girls' Day Series Advocacy Campaign
【課外組公告】轉知桃園市政府客家事務局「鼓勵學校辦理客家社團及學術藝文活動補助」函文。Notification from the Taoyuan City Government Hakka Affairs Bureau regarding subsidies to encourage schools to establish Hakka clubs and organize academic, arts, and cultural activities.
【生輔組公告】財團法人鑫淼教育基金會清寒學生獎助學金Xin Miao Education Foundation Scholarship and Grant for Underprivileged Students
【課外組公告】2024【元夢聖誕:光與影的饗宴】聖誕點燈活動,敬邀全校師生踴躍參與2024 [Dreamy Christmas: A Feast of Light and Shadow] Christmas Lighting Event - All Faculty and Students Are Invited to Participate!
【課外組公告】轉知中華民國大專院校體育總會「113學年度大專棒球聯賽」一般組第二區賽程表,敬請相關單位留意"Schedule for the Second Division of the 113th Academic Year University Baseball League - General Division: Relevant parties, please take note."