【人事室法規修正公告】「元智大學教師評審委員會組織辦法」與「元智大學專任教授延長服務辦法」【Announcement】The Revision of “YZU Regulations for the Establishment of Faculty Evaluation Committee” and “YZU Regulations for Service Extension of Full-time Professor”
2024-11-26 |
【法規新訂公告】元智大學教師資格審查認可作業推動小組設置要點【Announcement】The Newly Drafted Provisions of “YZU Guidelines for the Establishment of the Task Force for the Implementation of Faculty Qualification Review and Recognition”
2024-11-20 |
【Announcement】113學年度單位主管人事任用 (Academic and Administrative Executive Team for 2024 Academic Year)
2024-11-15 |
【轉知】函轉私校退撫 有關教育部函釋辦理分期請領人員於分期請領專戶結清前,已自分期請領專戶領取部分給付者,可否再繳回已領給付至該專戶一事,請協助轉知所屬教職員。
2024-11-11 |
【法規修正公告/Announcement】元智大學教職員工敘薪辦法The amendment to “YZU Regulations of Salary Assessment for Faculty And Staff”
2024-11-08 |
【法規修正公告】元智大學教職員工敘薪辦法【Announcement】The amendment to “YZU Regulations of Salary Assessment for Faculty And Staff”
2024-11-08 |
【法規修正公告/Announcement:Regualtions Amendment】元智大學職技員工進用辦法YZU Regulations for Staff and Technician Employment
2024-10-29 |
【法規修正公告】元智大學教師出國講學與國內外研究進修辦法【Announcement】The Revision of “YZU Regulations for Faculty Applying for Leaving for Lecturing, Doing Research or Taking Further Study”
2024-10-29 |
【法規修正公告/Announcement:Regualtions Amendment】元智大學職技員工獎懲實施辦法YZU Regulations for Staff Reward and Punishment
2024-10-28 |
2024-10-07 |